Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Definitions to Clarify Distance Learning

Asynchronous Learning: Learners participate in an online learning course at different times. Asynchronous learning allows learners to go through a course at their own pace and on their own schedule.

Synchronous learning: Learners participate in an online learning course at the same time as the live instruction but in different locations. Synchronous learning allows learners to interact with the instructor and other participants. This is done through software that creates a virtual classroom.

Classroom-based Virtual Education

Classes are intended for in-person instruction but also have virtual education instruction and delivery available throughout the school year.

Virtual Learning (Online Learning): Virtual Learning is a system for learning and teaching using the internet and special software. Virtual education instruction is primarily delivered through technology and can be asynchronous or synchronous

Remote Education

Classes are delivered by a teacher located in a physical classroom instructing students in-person while also providing synchronous, interactive remote instruction to students outside of the classroom.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Dear FCSD #1 Stakeholders,

Through the development and implementation of a virtual (online) education professional development plan, our district will ensure that our students have access to highly effective teachers and equitable access to the same content, knowledge, and skills.

Outcome/Standards: Teaching staff will gain an increased understanding and delivery of blended learning in order to provide instruction and learning equivalent to our vibrant classroom environments.


1: Creating an Equitable and Viable Online Learning Environment.

2: Models of Blended Learning & Technology models

3: Upping the Rigor with Digital Assessments, Grading, and Personalized Learning

Monday, July 20, 2020

WDE Update on School Performance 2019-2020 LINK

Friday, July 17, 2020

WDE Accreditation & Accountability LINK
WDE District Assessment System LINK

WDE State Assessment System LINK 

Welcome to the Summit Blog! I am Deidre Meyer, the new Curriculum Director for Lander Schools. My experience includes 20-plus years in education as a classroom teacher, instructional coach, and PK-8 principal.  I am excited to support our building leadership and staff in academic and social-emotional curriculum development, collaborate in the implementation of best-practices instruction, and reflect upon assessments in this amazing professional learning community. 

The Wyoming Department of Education requires teachers of classroom-based virtual education courses to complete one, seven-hour Professional Teaching Standards Board (PTSB) approved workshop. In preparation for the start of school and to support the FCSD 1 curriculum, the district leaders are collaborating on staff professional development focused primarily on virtual education methods. Professional development will be provided for all staff with continuing training throughout the 2020-2021 school year.

Follow me on Twitter: @fremont1_cia

Definitions to Clarify Distance Learning Asynchronous Learning: Learners participate in an online learning course at different times. Async...